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Эссе: What are the advantages of Online Education and In

Подробности выполненного заказа

Тип: Эссе

Предмет: Английский язык

290 руб.


Эссе с присвоенным номером '789770' было написано на тему 'What are the advantages of Online Education and In' по предмету 'Английский язык' по цене 290 руб. Заявка поступила 27.01.2011 специалисты приступили к выполнению заказа незамедлительно и к 29.01.2011 работа была полностью выполнена и передана клиенту. Защита работы прошла успешно.

Эссе на тему: What are the advantages of Online Education and In - пример выполненной работы

There are a lot of people who believe that there are more minuses than pluses in having a degree, while others are sure that studying in a university has more advantages. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue. As for me, I think that getting a university education has more advantages. Firstly, graduates get a more interesting job with chances for promotion. A degree is also a chance to have a better-paid job and be a more confident person because you did a degree. Secondly, some jobs are impossible to get without a degree. For example, to become a doctor, a person should graduate from university. However, there are people who believe that having a degree has more disadvantages. They claim that graduates often cannot find a job after university. They have to search for a place for years, while people who go straight into work after leaving school successfully build their career. I cannot agree with that opinion because graduates who cannot find a job probably did not bother what is demanded and studied irrelevant subjects. Some graduates also cannot find a job because of their pride. They have a degree and cannot be in a boring low-paid job. To conclude, I would like to say that having higher education has more advantages than disadvantages but students should carefully choose the subjects they study to be demanded in the future. A degree gives graduates many opportunities.

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