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Эссе: Moslems make better human beings than Christians

Подробности выполненного заказа

Тип: Эссе

Предмет: Английский язык

1100 руб.


Эссе с присвоенным номером '789643' было написано на тему 'Moslems make better human beings than Christians' по предмету 'Английский язык' по цене 1100 руб. Заявка поступила 08.09.2010 специалисты приступили к выполнению заказа незамедлительно и к 10.09.2010 работа была полностью выполнена и передана клиенту. Защита работы прошла успешно.

Эссе на тему: Moslems make better human beings than Christians - пример выполненной работы

Take the personal life of Mohmood and a true christian like mother Theresa and compare .I don’t dare to compare Mohmood with Jesus Christ.If the task is done honestly any one who is mentally alright can understand. My intention is not to blame any religion that why I am not going to discuss about the deeds of the above famous persons.But here I want to show u some differences between the teachings of Quran and Bible.Quran orders to give to the poor to go to heaven,where as Bible also orders to give but it says without love ur neighbour whatever u give cannot take u to heaven.Bible says one person should have one wife and wife also should maintain the same.Quron allows to take 4 wives and it says some prophets also done that ,where as bible says that was the period of ignorance and God left them if they did justice to them but nowhere God ordered to take more wives.Quron allowed to divorce one's spouse but Jesus sticly prohibited to divorce. Quron allowed to beat wife where as Bible says wife and husband are equal and they are said to be a single body in the view of God.Mohmood ordered his followers to kill those who do not turn towards his teachings,whereas Jesus commanded his followers to die for truth not to kill anyone and God only gave them time to know truth.There are many such examples to know the differences between the above said paths.Decide now!

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