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Эссе: Distance learning is the best form of education

Подробности выполненного заказа

Тип: Эссе

Предмет: Английский язык

350 руб.


Эссе с присвоенным номером '789558' было написано на тему 'Distance learning is the best form of education' по предмету 'Английский язык' по цене 350 руб. Заявка поступила 22.03.2010 специалисты приступили к выполнению заказа незамедлительно и к 24.03.2010 работа была полностью выполнена и передана клиенту. Защита работы прошла успешно.

Эссе на тему: Distance learning is the best form of education - пример выполненной работы

Nowadays e-learning is considered the greatest way to get an education. However, some people say that the traditional form of learning is still the best. As far as I am concerned, distance learning is an outstanding form of learning. Firstly, it is cheaper than full-time education. It lets students who cannot afford to pay for the full-time courses to get education. One can set a schedule for himself, which is impossible for a full-time student. In addition, the student can even have a job and study at the same time. Nevertheless, some people still view distant learning with suspicious. They say that this kind of education lacks communication. Students do not see their teachers and classmates. Teachers cannot observe their students. According to them, interaction is the key to successful education. I disagree with that point of view because distance learning involves even more interaction than full-time education. Distant students not only do reading and tests but projects and discussions as well. An online class gives the teacher much more access to what students did in the course. In a traditional classroom, it may be possible to avoid some classwork but in an online class, the teacher can see exactly when every student participated in discussions and what he wrote there. All that is impossible to do in a real class. In conclusion, I would like to say that distance learning is the best form of learning. It is an education for everyone who wants to study, but cannot do it in a traditional form. It also makes students more responsible.

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